December 29, 2012

For the Record: Prequel One

[Click here for Introduction and Table of Contents.]

As stated in the Introduction, in 2008 I hired John M. Knapp, LMSW, who specialized in cult-recovery therapy. I was Knapp's client for two years through July, 2010. 

Beginning in early 2010, we worked together as co-administrators on his then-online Knapp Family Counseling Discussion Board. In May, 2010, Knapp recruited me as the Creative Director for his then-up-and-coming non-profit to help former cult members. By June, 2010, our relationship had expanded to client-friend-colleague.

In early August, 2010, as I was working with Knapp and one other person on a cult-recovery online project, I found myself in a triangulation with Knapp at the helm. He then turned on me after his disagreement with the third party. He blamed me for things I had not said or done, refused any sort of discussion on the matter, harmfully cut off contact with me telling me I was responsible for "destroying our friendship," cut off my involvement in a then support group in which I'd been a founding participant, and (I later learned) maliciously lied to me. In September, 2010, he privately emailed one of his clients, who was a friend of mine, justifying his unethical actions.

In mid-September, 2010 (and continuing through August, 2011), I communicated with a handful of Knapp's lay and professional colleagues and peers. I was put in touch with some; others contacted me without my solicitation. I learned that these people had also been on the receiving end of Knapp's manipulative tactics and wrath; some over a decade in the past, others in recent months. 

At the end of September, 2010, I filed a formal complaint with Knapp's licensing board, which was one of the hardest decisions of my life.

In March, 2011, approximately eight months after Knapp's initial harm in August, 2010, I came forward with a retraction of my previous support of Knapp. I publicly posted my retraction in March because at that time Knapp announced the launch of his online non-profit Center for Healing Spiritual and Cultic Abuse (CHSCA) and began soliciting the public for people and for funds in the amount of $10,000.

On the morning of August 25, 2011, Knapp contacted me via a Facebook message. It was Knapp's first communication with me since he had cut me off in August, 2010. In hindsight, it apparently was part of his smear, fear, and retaliation plan which he began some ten hours later.

In his personal message to me, he linked the article below, The Mental Health Field Isn't, singling out with praise a young colleague, Meg**. Meg** and I were acquainted through Facebook and the cult-recovery field. 

So, after I responded to Knapp's personal message to me, I wrote a Facebook personal message to Meg**. I let her know that I had filed a complaint against Knapp in latter 2010, that Knapp had just written me with a link to the article regarding her, and that I do not trust him. I sent her a copy of my private message response to Knapp and let her know I was on my way out the door to go backpacking and would be without internet service.

Approximately ten hours later, Knapp posted his defamatory article, Beware Car** We*** - Cyberstalker, but not before he posted Trust Your Gut - Not the Credentials on the Wall.

Meg** left Facebook abruptly within a month or so after Knapp's questionable online behavior.

[*footnote: Knapp continued to claim licensure through mid-November, 2012, on his professional LinkedIn page. He apparently took down that LinkedIn page after his mid-November, 2012, hearing before his licensing board, a hearing in which he was a no-show.]


On the morning of August 25, 2011, Knapp's Facebook private message to me stated:

August 25, 2011 from John M Knapp Lmsw 
A note you might find of interest:**-s*****-for-firing-your-therapistout-loud/249684775064547 

I have two others I'll share in the next couple of days. 


[Knapp's Facebook link led to the article (in red) below. I promptly read the article and responded to Knapp via a Facebook private message.]

My response to Knapp after I read his article:

Don't know if you meant to send this to me. But it's a helluva way to open communication. 

You harmed me John, deeply. And you have harmed others as well. Without apparent regard. 

About the only good thing I read in what you linked is that you are getting out of social work and the mental health field. You are one of the people who helps give it a bad reputation.. 

I question (among other things) the honesty as to your statement regarding why you are getting out. I have heard too many twisted things you have done, you have said, and you have written. 

To use your words: I would find it hard to trust you again on any level. 

To me you are hypocrite, and one of the worst. 

I'd prefer you not send me any more notes. I hope you honor my request. 

The only communication I think I might ever be open to hearing from you would be in lines with restorative justice and with a third neutral party(ies) present. 

All that said, take care. You are still part of the human family. And as I've been known to say...we all behave the way we do for reasons, sometimes unknown even to ourselves. 

To life, 

PS: Some notes you may be interested in: 

PPS: I find it ironic that today, for the first time since last year, I am heading out the door to Roan Highlands, TN. The last time I stepped foot upon that sacred ground was August 3, 2010, the day after you daggered my soul on August 2, 2010. And here I go again. But this time it's not a dagger you plunged me with, just dirty rags.

[begin Knapp's article]

Thursday, 25 August 2011 10:51
The Mental Health Field Isn't 
Written by John M. Knapp, LMSW

My professional colleague Meg** has just written a courageous explanation of why she fired her therapist. I want to acknowledge her bravery and good judgment.

Dear Meg**,

Not like you need this, but I have been proud to know you for a very, very, very long time. You’re generous, caring, thoughtful, creative, and altruistic.

What’s not to love?

You’ve been an extraordinary help to me personally whenever I’ve asked you. Others have told me the same. You’re a hell of a human being.

I was proud of and oh-so-fucking-happy for you as I read your note about firing your therapist, basically for incompetency and being an all round jerk—technical term that basically is a polite way of saying “flaming asshole.”

Next time you have a mo for a phone chat or FB note, I’d love to talk about the horrific state of the mental healing profession. I’m moved to tell you this because of what you are going through:

As I’ll be announcing very shortly, I’m stepping totally out of the social work and psychotherapeutic world after 11 years. I’m ashamed to be associated with the field. For many of the reasons you so eloquently demonstrate in your brave post here.

Of course, the fact that there is little scientific basis whatsoever to mental health treatment is another big problem. Especially since the field has made a fetish of “evidence-based practice,” when there is little or no evidence and precious little practice.

In the 1970s, Geraldo Rivera, of all people, exposed the tortured nightmare that was mental health treatment in institutions.

The very people who were supposed to be healing and caring for the mentally ill were in fact torturing, raping, and worst of all, ignoring them in hell holes like Willowbrook—which became synonymous with the scandal surrounding institutional care.

Thankfully, our field went through a fundamental reformation because of Geraldo’s brave work.

But it’s time for another period of reformation.

The entire mental health profession, institutional, inpatient, outpatient, and patient-less self-care desperately needs a new “Willowbrook.” Once again, the healers, helpers, and caretakers are the source of more pain than healing.

All that’s really changed is that professionals now spend 40% or more of their time meticulously keeping records of their failures to help people.

Records that can be measured by the pound, but which will never be read by human eyes.

Oh, and the drugs have gotten much more expensive. And have much worse side effects. But still don’t heal.


Sadly, more often than not, they must hide their compassionate feelings for their clients from fellow professionals lest they be accused of lacking objectivity or crossing professional boundaries.

Oh, the horror. Actually loving your patients or clients as if they were human beings.

Megan, back to you, because this screed really is about my admiration and respect for you:

Fuck the credentials, girl. YOU are a HEALER. Trust your gut and follow your heart. Everything else is just details.

And fire every flaming asshole who doesn’t measure up to your standards.

Because you are RIGHT.

I’m not a believer, but I pray you find the healer you deserve and who is worth a tenth of what you are.


[end Knapp's article]


Click here to continue: For the Record: Prequel Two

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