August 29, 2011

Thoughts on a Monday Evening in August

I was talking with someone today, over the phone, someone in the legal profession.

They asked me, "How do honest people deal with dishonest people?"

My thought was, "They don't. I mean if a person refuses to acknowledge what is true and if they lie; what can the other person do?"

I was thinking yesterday about the Jesus story. Whether all of it is true or not, it is true that people all throughout history get bullied, scapegoated, lied about. Some get executed that are innocent of the charges. My little peon drama going on now can't even compare with that.

As I read to the person on the phone a recent blog post that was written by my ex-therapist about me sexually propositioning him - a story my ex-therapist laces with decorative language to make it juicy for the reader I guess - as I finished reading to the person, the receiver on the phone was simply silent.

I said, "Are you there?"

The other party responded, "Yes." More silence. "That is totally appalling." They were shocked. But not as shocked as I was when I first read it Saturday night.

I said, "Yeah. Absolutely shocking."

The whole story my ex-therapist shares about me sexually propositioning him is a total fabrication.

I'm having to come to terms that there are evil people. I don't know when I'll get it through my thick skull that people outright lie, like my ex-therapist has about me. I am still shocked and stunned by his dime-store fiction snippet.

I knew I was taking a risk when I came forward in March naming my ex-therapist and coming forth with what had happened last August and since. But I never, ever imagined this. Of course I never ever imagined the whole scenario that began in last July...or rather June.

I never imagined that my father would be a quadriplegic for 13 years.

I never imagined I'd leave The Way or not be a true believer.

I never imagined a lot of things that have happened.

And now I can believe nothing that comes out of my ex-therapist's mouth.

I have no control over what other people believe and think.


... Zoe ~ said...

I'm so sorry. I read his post. It's so true that we have no control over what other people say and do. None.

The lying that we witnessed in the church was just off the charts. It was always "okay" if it was done in the name of Jesus Christ.

He's clearly gunning to neutralize you that's for sure.

Monica Pignotti said...

Hang in there, Carol. I have a feeling that your courage is going to pay off. His own postings on his organization's website, which he just can't seem to stop himself from making, are going to be the strongest evidence against him, I predict. In my opinion, there is no way the profession can ignore this. His power appears to be only within his small circle of followers. His blog speaks for itself, as do his e-mails.

JustMe said...

I too, am stunned that those words would be put on a site that is supposed to help damaged people heal from cult abuse!

The slanderous words written about you reminded me of abusive church discipline excommunication sermons....the unaccountable mog (man-a-gawd) spews anything he can think of to cast shadows on the integrity of honest people. These brave folks, who question, speak out, or dare to walk away are condemned by a one man circus of fabrications spewed from the bully pulpit. It's set up to be a completely ONE sided prosecution, with no defense.

A kangaroo court, if you will.

I'm SO proud of you Oneperson! I know all of this has been very difficult, but the truth will out!

oneperson said...

Thanks ya'll for reading and commenting.

@Zoe...That's a great line: "gunning to neutralize." I don't think I've heard that before. What an apt description. It's still unbelievable to me that my ex-therapist's would take such a tactic. I have no problem with him sharing his perspective of the story. I do have a problem with outright lies.

@Monica...I don't know if I have that much "courage." I just have to live with myself the rest of my days...and...I'm still learning so much about the whole "hush" of abuse and control. What is true? Do I speak up? Do I not speak up? How do I speak up? I'm fumbling through. Yesterday at work, one of my coworkers was reading the stuff that Knapp recently posted about me...and she bursts out laughing (at the dime sex story). I laughed too. It's just so outrageous. That said, I know it's not a laughing matter. I wonder how all will look 5 years from now...or even 6 months from now.

@JustMe...The mirror thinking is definitely there. I've seen it elsewhere in among the anti-cult crowd. Not all mind you, but enough to know there is a nasty underbelly that does exist. And, as we know, it happens not just among "cults" and "anti-cults" but in the workplace, family, any place where humans live together. It all makes an interesting study. But the damaged souls...uugh. It's so avoidable if people would just be accountable and responsible for their actions...and open and honest.

Thanks again ya'll...more than words can convey.

To life!