January 3, 2013

Ashes and Drafts

I would like to donate my body to science when I die.

I've said that for years but have yet to look into the matter.

My remains from my left-over-cut-up cadaver? I'd like to have them cremated and blown by the winds of the Roan Highlands. All except my gold crowns in my mouth. I want them extracted and the gold given to my offspring.

I doubt I'll have many friends or relatives that would attend any memorial service I might have. A few would show, I'm sure. But it wouldn't be a big crowd. I'm not very popular, and folks are busy. It matters not to me if they show.

Of course people don't attend funerals and such for the dead person, but rather to show support for the surviving family.

Well, I guess folks attend for the dead person too. To honor their life. That is a big reason I attend such occasions...now that I think about it.

If I have some sort of epitaph on a memorial stone, I think I'll have the script state "Is there ever a final draft?"

Maybe I'll request John Prine's "Please Don't Bury Me" for my memorial service.

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