May 24, 2016

651.2 miles and counting...

Olivia and I rode part of the New River Trail today, from Ivanhoe to Gambetta and back to Ivanhoe. Total mileage: 21.3.

The New River Trail is 57 miles long which totals 114 miles if one rides both directions, which is what I am doing, in sections. I've now biked over half and will hopefully get the rest ridden by the end of June, or before.

I saw quite a few chipmunks today. No deer or bear. I did see one snake and quite a few hawks, as usual. I rode though one tunnel and over a few bridges, and I saw two dams.

On my trek home, in Edward the Explorer, I drove by a monument that sits by the side of a curvy, mountain road. It caught my attention because it was odd, out there in the middle of nowhere, "nowhere" actually being Austinville, Virginia. Three empty flag poles stood tall above a boulder-size, granite stone with engraved script and engraved outlines of the states of Virginia and Texas. I saw it out of the corner of my eye as I drove past it. I put on my brakes and backed up and pulled into the parking area, which also serves as a boat access for the New River.

The monument is a memorial dedicated to Stephen F. Austin (aka the "father of Texas") for whom the city of Austin, Texas, changed it's name -- from Waterloo to Austin. Stephen's father, Moses, developed the lead mining industry in the southwest area of Virginia. Stephen was born there, but the family moved west when Stephen was four years old. I wonder why the memorial is dedicated to Stephen and not his father?

The New River Trail reminds me of the green tunnel of the AT; it can get monotonous. But there is no PUD (pointless up and down) on the New River Trail. It's a rail trail, so it's level.

I like biking the Greenway and Salem Lake route more than the New River Trail. The Salem Lake route has ups and downs and lots of curves, and I get to ride through a creek if it's rained, and there always seems to be an adventure waiting for Olivia and me. It's like the trail thinks, Carol and Olivia will be here today..let's entertain them!

Last week, cycling my Salem Lake route, I saw a grey fox. S/he crossed the Greenway in front of me. At first I thought it was a small dog, and then wondered if it was a coyote, but then I identified it as a fox. I scared it...and it scared me. We both surprised each other.

Last week, I also saw a male turkey strutting his stuff for three female turkeys. I've seen quite a few female turkeys the past couple years on my Greenway rides, but this was my first time seeing a male. The four turkeys were on the golf course that is beside the Greenway. The scene made me laugh out loud.

Last week, I had three ground hog sightings. I think it was the same hog because the sightings were in the same vicinity each time. I also saw a few snakes, of course.

The finale of last week, was when Olivia and I survived a creek adventure. I'm thankful for the cyclist who saved us, quite literally. The cyclist happened to have his own creek adventure right before Olivia and I had ours; the creek took his bike! It's kind of a long story. Maybe I'll write it someday. Suffice it to say, I vow to never again misjudge the power of a creek after the rains.

My cycling goal for 2016 is 1500 miles.

So far I've ridden:
...January = 155.8 miles
...February = 67.5 miles
...March = 179.5 miles
...April = 130.5 miles
...May (through 5/24) = 117.90

651.2 miles and counting...

So far, doing good.


Anonymous said...

A m a z i n g <3

oneperson said...

Thanks Zoe... <3

It's incredible to me how much relief cycling brings me. It also helps the shortness of breath that has developed. (The shortness of breath is not wheezing...but like I can't get enough oxygen. I'm hoping it's from low iron and not due to possibly the neuropathy affecting my autonomic nervous system. The soonest we'd know that is August after I've been on the iron supplements 120 days.)

I hope you are doing well?
...or at least that life is tolerable. That's one of my standards..."tolerable." lol


zoe said...

update just posted on blog :)

oneperson said...

Found it! Thank you! :)

And I love the photo...

I'll be thinking of you today! <3

oneperson said...

PS: I'm up to 725 miles now! Step back everybody! lol


Anonymous said...

When I was about 13, I remember what a feeling of freedom I had to ride my bike wherever I wanted to go in M'ton...prior to that, I had only been able to ride on our street. Bikes are wonderful things ... so glad you can have that feeling of freedom even when health issues are so tough. Love you.


oneperson said...

Thanks Susan!

Your wonderful memory stirred more good memories for me from my childhood.

That makes for a double thanks! :)

Love you too... xo