May 5, 2016

Pacyhsandra Truths

I love springtime. Life is coming back into the woods and yards and parks and landscapes. The vibrant hues of green are incredible.

I understand that a yard with all the same grass and no weeds is pretty. It's lush and inviting to lay down in, well for some people.

But what I like more than a pristine lawn is a variegated one. And that means "weeds," along with the sown grass. Clover. Plantain. Other such greens of which I don't know the names. Our yard is quite a mixture.

Yesterday while walking the length of the yard right in front of the house and speaking with Hubby on my cell phone, I said, "I love these irises. They are the purple and yellow flowers at the far corner of the house in the front. I wonder if they naturally spread? I'd like that."

I strolled along as we chatted, and in a few moments I was walking the sidewalk which runs parallel with the front of our house. Life was coming back, after years of dearth, in the strip of mulched ground between the sidewalk and front porch, which really isn't a porch; it's not wide enough for chairs.

As I admired the deep hues of green now coming forth in that strip of mulch, I said to Hubby, "I'm so glad the Pachysandra is coming back. What's it been? At least three years? Maybe longer. Remember? We had a drought that year, and it died. Amazing that it's coming back now. Wow. And these other plants too. I don't recall them before. They must be volunteers. One's a hosta. I don't know the names of the other ones. But I like them."

As we chatted, I strolled the sidewalk and continued to gaze in amazement at this Pachysandra's growth and come-back. After years. Years!

And then I stopped.

And I said to Hubby, "Oh my gosh. This Pacyhsandra is like my nerves."

My mind simultaneously got a picture of the network root-system of the Pachysandra, the tentacles that spread under the ground. And then I saw my nerves, and their networks within and throughout my body.

"They are coming back to life. Like the Pacyhsandra is! Wow. Wow..."

Hubby responded in kind, "Wow..."

I hope it's true.

Pachysandra wouldn't lie to me, would she?


Denise said...

My guess is the nerves are connecting again and are coming back. That's what I thought too when I got to that part. Wow! I bet they are coming back. Woohoo!!!!

oneperson said...

Thanks Denise! <3

Anonymous said...

That's a great analogy, Carol. May your nerves heal and "come back" like the pachysandra ...


oneperson said...

Lol... :D

Thanks SP!! :)