Another shooting. Last I read, at least five dead including the gunman. At least ten injured. The weapon of choice, or at least one of the weapons? Semi-automatic rifle. A spraying of bullets hitting whatever they came in contact with, including an elementary school.
When is enough enough to outlaw these combat tools? If we outlaw them, is there anyway to confiscate what's out there? What about responsible gun owners who have already legally purchased these weapons of broad destruction? Should there be an exception made for those individuals? If so, shouldn't there be something like a yearly license renewal with some sort of ongoing vetting? I imagine those type questions have been tossed around in the gun debate.(I read later, on 11/16, that the California gunman built his own weapons of rapid destruction. Still doesn't change my mind that they should be banned.)
Early this morning, around 6:30 AM, I checked Trump's tweets. And I read this: "“May God be with the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI and Law Enforcement has arrived.” He tweeted it at 11:34 PM on November 14.
My response was big eyes, a mouth drop, and "oh my god." Followed by, "Why has no one in the White House caught this and had him apologize and correct his mistake?"
I could hear Trump's defenders in my head, "Well, he's tired. He's been on the long tour in Asia and just got back. And he's 70 years old. It was just a simple error."
That's all fine and dandy. But, he never apologized and corrected his error, or at least hasn't as of when I'm writing this blog piece. The tweet was deleted sometime after 6:30ish AM. (I later learned it was deleted around 8:30 AM, nine hours after it was posted.) He has, as of this writing, not tweeted about the California shooting. Crickets.
The other Trump-defender response I hear in my head is the standard or a rendition of, "What about Hillary?" An asinine response, in my opinion. She's a different subject. Trump is responsible for Trump. Hillary is responsible for Hillary. And she ain't the president. She's currently not serving in any political office. That doesn't excuse any wrong doings of her past. If those need to be investigated (some of them, again), so be it. And let the chips land where they will. But that what-about-Hillary type response is a deflection.
Trump has also tweeted about his wonderful trip to Asia (multiple times), the fake news, polls that show his approval rating is going up, and he tweeted this at 10:11 this morning: "Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President Trump? They were headed for 10 years in jail!" He's referring to this: 3 UCLA basketball players, accused of shoplifting, back home from China
WTF? But it's typical Trump, displaying his full blown ultra-narcissistic, feed me-feed me, disordered mentality.
Would most decent people do that? They do a good deed and then manipulate to get a thank you?
Trump is all about Trump, even when he lends a helping hand.
I have tried to see good in the man. The only thing I have come up with is that he appears to take care of his family.
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