November 6, 2017


The Sutherland Springs, Texas, massacre happened yesterday. Not sure if "massacre" is technically the right term, but I think it fits.

The definition for massacre is to violently kill a large number of people. It's a slaughter. How many people constitute a large number? If I recall correctly, four people and above constitutes a mass shooting in the USA.

From what I've read, a mass murder or shooting is only terrorism if the motive is political. I really don't care what one calls it. Regardless of the motive, the outcome is the same.

This morning I looked up how to buy a gun in the USA. There is a national standard application form which takes a matter of minutes to fill out and a few minutes to approve via computer, if the person passes the muster. Depending on where and how one buys a gun, the application may not be required.

A few fucking minutes for approval. It took Paddock what...fifteen minutes to produce his carnage in Las Vegas? It took I don't know how many minutes for Devin Patrick Kelley.

If I understand correctly, there isn't a national registration procedure for tracking the number of weapons and ammunition a person purchases, at least across state lines. A crazed person can amass an arsenal in a short amount of time, like Steve Paddock did.

These mass shootings that kill a large number of people are carried out with weapons that can shoot many rounds in quick succession. Or, in Paddock's case, again if I recall correctly, he adapted his weapons to shoot rapidly.

Why oh why does someone need these rapid-fire rifles? Though I lean toward outlawing them for civilians, which probably won't happen, it seems that at least laws could be enacted to vet buyers better. Make sales more strict. And track a purchaser's number of guns and ammunition purchased. And a two-week (or something) wait time wouldn't be a bad idea.

Is that too much government interference? When will it not be too much? At what point is too much, too much?

With stricter laws would the bad guys still get their hands on these killing machines? Yes, some would. But maybe allowing a period of time before a person can get their fingers on the triggers will allow space to catch them before they exact their terror and carnage.

I think of it like door locks. Will a burglar still find a way in if he really wants in? Yes, probably so. But it takes longer with a lock. In that time space, the burglar might get caught or at least scared away.

Like the rest of the US, I'm beyond fed up with these killings. I'm also fed up with the hypocritical standard "thoughts and prayers and condolences" from the powers that be who then do not seriously consider and pass legislation to help and try to curb this horrific trend.

I watched Trump's speech in response to the Texas slaughter. No emotion. He could at least have shown a hint of sadness or outrage. But then again, he's probably not capable, at least with empathy

Some might say, "Well, he shouldn't show emotion because he needs to show strength for the nation."

So showing emotions is the opposite of strength?  I disagree.

However Trump did display outrage (at least via his Tweets) with the NYC car killer, an Islamic extremist, who killed at least eight people last week. What about Vegas? What about Texas? Where is the outrage?

And what about Puerto Rico? When I watched his response to that tragic natural disaster, it was like watching a person void of heart.


On 11/07 I posted the following as a response comment on this blog entry.

I know hardly anything about guns. And I'm not up to speed on the gun debate. But these rifles that can fire off hundreds of rounds per just makes no sense to me that they are legal.

And yes, I realize that criminals will get their hands on them illegally. That's what criminals do.

I wonder how many of these mass murderers bought their killing machines legally or illegally?
I wonder how many resources the FBI, etc, has to keep watch on illegal fire arm sales?
I wonder how often they intercept and catch illegal dealers?

I did read this morning [11/07] that, at least in some states, there is a wait time to buy guns like AK-47s which can fire 600(!) rounds per minute.

I read that Kelley fired at least 450 rounds and had 15 clips. 450 rounds! I just don't get why these killing machines are legal. What purpose do they serve other than combat?

I read this article later in the morning on 11/07: What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer

I read this article in the evening on 11/07: Gun Rights: Former U.S. Serviceman Calls for Ban on Semi-automatic Weapons


April said...

I love your analogy of the locked door!! I so agree on 45s response...and I hate to say it, those in the GOP who say "it's too early to discuss gun legislation..." SO SICK OF THEM!! It's just discouraging and disgusting, how many more people have to die for something to be done? Gun manufacturers and the NRA are doing well when this shit happens tho...sales go up. It's depressing :(

oneperson said...

I know hardly anything about guns. And I'm not up to speed on the gun debate. But these rifles that can fire off hundreds of rounds per just makes no sense to me that they are legal.

And yes, I realize that criminals will get their hands on them illegally. That's what criminals do.

I wonder how many of these mass murderers bought their killing machines legally or illegally?
I wonder how many resources the FBI, etc, has to keep watch on illegal fire arm sales?
I wonder how often they intercept and catch illegal dealers?

I did read this morning that, at least in some states, there is a wait time to buy guns like AK-47s which can fire 600(!) rounds per minute.

I read that Kelley fired at least 450 rounds and had 15 clips. 450 rounds! I just don't get why these killing machines are legal. What purpose do they serve other than combat?

Anna Maria said...

Carol, good post and reasoning. This is mine and I’m not certain how rational I am at the moment. This tragedy happened less than 20 miles from where I live, way too close to home, and I am still mad at a hatter at the whole GOP leadership and their stupid agendas, especially the ignorant orange cheeto in the White House. He offers “prayers and thoughts” to those in attendance at the church….over half who are dead or wounded including 14 children no longer with us. He is a hypocrite of the highest caliber since he prefers to play golf on Sunday rather than attend church. In February, he signed a bill making it much easier for people with mental illness to buy guns. It was to undo the sensible legislation President Obama had put into effect regarding the issue. He blames these senseless acts of madness on mental illness when they are perpetrated by a white homegrown male. He has a much angrier and sinister viewpoint wanting to punish an entire religion if one is perpetrated by a radicalized Muslim. He opposes any kind of gun control including banning assault rifles I have long contended should only be allowed to be owned by our military and law enforcement. I am not opposed to the 2nd Amendment. I am opposed to stupidity. In total conflict with any kind of logic, trumpet also wants to cut Healthcare costs by cutting out benefits and coverage for mental health services of which I have believe for the past year he is sorely in need of and now more so than ever.

oneperson said...

I thought of you Anna Maria when I learned about the shooting on Sunday. Thanks for chiming in. Less than 20 miles.... *gulp* The whole tragedy... *gulp*

You sound plenty rational to me. Funny, I thought similar (about myself) after I published this blog post. Something like, "Carol, are you reacting more than responding?" And then self to self answered something like, "Fuck that! How can anyone just keep their cool about this outrageous senselessness."

Your last sentence brought me a chuckle "...mental health services of which I have believed for the past year he is sorely in need of and now more so than ever."

I saw on his Twitter feed tonight that he again alluded to using nukes again re North Korea. I just told Hubby this morning, "Trump seems to behaving himself so far on his trip. Sounding diplomatic and like a president." Pause ... "It won't last."

Sending healing thoughts your way. Just can't wrap my head around it what happened...18 months to 77(?) yrs. old ... during a church service.

Peace to us all...

Anna Maria said...

Thanks Carol, I agree, I'm still having a difficult time wrapping my grieving mind around what happened in that small community that only has a population of approximately 680....a little peace would be appreciated, but for the last year I feel like we have all been at war...half the nation pitted against the other half on every issue, and each half viewing this massacre from opposite poles regarding the gun issue. Sutherland Springs is one of the worst of the mass shootings as to the horror of how it was carried out by a deranged soulless monster dressed in all black wearing a skeleton mask. Those that survived will likely have nightmares about it the rest of their lives. What keeps me seething is it was similar to the Elementary School shooting, and several more all committed by madmen with assault rifles that did so much damage in a short time. I imagine trumpers advisors on this trip are keeping a close watch on what he says after this tragedy because he has messed up bad after others. Though I imagine something will hack him off and he will start tweeting stupidity again. He has no self control. This shooter went to the same large high school my son teaches math at but Ken did not know him, maybe because he teaches higher math to high achieving students. We all feel a need to react when something horrible like this happens and I see no reason why we should hold back writing our disgusted feelings. It's always been good therapy for me as I know it is for you. Sending blessings your way. Anna

oneperson said...

Thanks Anna.

Yes, I thought of Sandy Hook as well. Something about children being slaughtered...make the slaughter feel even more...slaughteress.

I just can't get that word "slaughter" out of my head in regard to what happened. And what happens with these mass killings.

Oh my regarding Ken. Even if he didn't know the murderer...still, that hits close to home.

Those that witnessed and survived...I'm sure they'll never get the sounds, the smells, the images out of their heads. Similar to soldiers in combat, but different of course. The victims/survivors weren't on a battle field but in what was supposed to be a place of worship and communion.

As far as Trumpism, the election results yesterday brought a little boost. I was proud of Virginia especially. I visit there often. It's my main frequenting place for my mountain drives, and I've grown in love with the nature and the few folks I've gotten to know a bit at my regular spots.

So glad you are here Anna and that we met in this cybersphere. And that you shared a part of your life via your memoir, where I got to know you even better. You have survived and overcome so much, and still kicking strong. :) Thank you for the continued inspiration.

Zoe said...

Your comments and reactions (both of you) are rational. What makes us feel irrational is we can't compute the irrational shit that comes from people who either have no soul (and I don't even believe in a soul) like the idiot in charge and those guilty by association around him who sold their souls for what? Guns? Shit.

oneperson said...

"What makes us feel irrational is we can't compute the irrational shit ..."

Brings to mind a line I've been told on multiple occasions for feeling a nuts after bizarre situations/trauma. Something like, "You're not crazy. You are having a normal response to an abnormal situation."

Sadly, it too often feels that abnormal is becoming the norm in our current societal climate.

On the other hand, violence in societies may really be the norm, when one looks at overall history. :/

"I don't even believe in a soul".... that caught my attention. I figure most people define "soul" as something that lives on after death. The Way taught that "soul" (psuche in Greek) is "breath life." At the last breath, soul life for that individual or animal ceases. Nothing lives on except through cellular memory in biological progeny, which is a part of "soul life." I realize other Bible folks, outside The Way, use that same or similar definition. But I imagine it's probably in the minority.

I still think of "soul" by that definition. Maybe I'll write a blog post about that sometime. Or maybe I already have. If so, I reckon I'll repeat myself! :D

Zoe said...

I've been repeating myself for years now. ;)

I actually like "The Way's" soul definition.