November 13, 2017


Salem Creek Greenway is the approach to Salem Lake Trail. It is asphalt, wide enough for a pick up truck to drive. But the only motorized vehicles allowed are service vehicles. That's true for all Greenways, everywhere in the USA.

I am a Greenway lover. Tax dollars well spent for the health and wellness of the community. Nestled in nature in the middle of the city. A respite from a florescent, gadgeted life. An environmental buffer to help insects, plants, birds and critters flourish in the midst of urban America.

The first Greenway I ever experienced was when I lived in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1982-83. Seems it stretched for over 100 miles out into the county and back into the city. But that probably included some off trail connectors via regular roadways.

When our family lived in Charlotte in 1997, my escape was McAlpine Park located about a mile from our home. McApline was a few hundred acres big with enough Greenway and trails and space to get away from the city while in the city.

I didn't like living in Charlotte. I'd say it's the least favorite big city I've lived in. I've lived in three: Milwaukee, Cleveland, and Charlotte.

Charlotte felt stuffy, kind of conceited. But I did like my part-time job there. I worked at Discovery Place as an educational presenter in the rain forest and marine areas. I handled reptiles, hissing cock roaches, and sea critters.

I also hosted birthday parties. One of the main party features was Checkers, the corn snake, who would wrap himself around my arm and sometimes put his head in my pocket.

After we moved from Charlotte to Greensboro in 1998, I continued working at Discovery Place, but in a different position. The drive was almost two hours so I wasn't going to drive that far to work a few hours. Instead, I was offered a position as an on-site Camp-in director. In that position, I worked an 18-to-20-hour shift, which included sleep - as well as one can sleep on the floor of a museum with up to 400 other people. I'd drive in on Friday afternoon and work through Saturday late morning, and sometimes through Sunday late morning. So I could get up to 40-hours work over a weekend. It was worth the drive.

It was a fun job. Never a dull moment. We had a skeleton staff so stayed busy, and we were tight. Such a great crew it was. My daughter accompanied me on many occasions. She worked as a volunteer Sci-teen. We knew every nook and cranny of that museum. Well, except for the projector room in the IMAX.

Camp-ins were eliminated in 2001(?). I can't remember the exact date, and I don't know why the program got axed. I guess it was money.

Well, I hadn't planned to write about that. I was gonna write about Salem Creek Greenway and add some pics. Later, maybe.

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