February 26, 2014

Swish, Swoosh

non-subject: silence
aww ~ 2/26/14

I wonder how dark was the night before light pollution?
I've read that Venus used to cast shadows upon the earth.
That no longer happens; too much artificial light now illuminates the night.

I wonder how quiet was the earth before the hum of electricity?
I recently read about a room where a person can sit and hear their own heart beat.
Complete silence must be eerie; complete silence exists only in a vacuum.

I wonder if our senses have become muted or mutated as we have modernized?
With so many tiny noises droning 24/7, is our acuteness in hearing more or less or the same compared to predrone?

I wonder if our vibrational sense, our intuitive sense, has become garbled due to the internet information airwaves?
Does all that information bouncing from earth to towers to satellites and back again, does it somehow clog any natural, vibrational, intuitive-type, information airwaves, if such a thing exists?

If we could physically see all these internet-information-highway-communication airwaves swirling around us all day and all night, what would we see? Tangled knots or harmony?

Large waves.
Small waves.
Almost flat waves.
Choppy waves.
Circular waves.

All sizes of waves, crisscrossing everywhere around us, all the time.

I wonder if we humans detect these waves, with an energetic sense?
Beginning around 2001, I would regularly ponder, If man can make devices that communicate information through the air; surely God designed us with some sort of sense to do the same. That's not such a far-fetched concept, is it?

I wonder if all these waves affect our animal brothers and sisters?
I wonder if our animal friends can physically see any of our man-made-internet-communication airwaves?

Silly thoughts, maybe; but I do wonder.

Under water is the most quiet place I have experienced.
The same cannot be said for our marine animal friends; they hear things we cannot.
I've read that we modern humans have developed deadly, submarine sounds.

I don't enjoy swimming on the water's surface, but I do like swimming under water.
At times I've wished that my body could grow gills and fins and transparent eyelids so I could swim under water as long as I desired.

At one time my developing body did possess something like gills; my limbs were webbed buds; my eyes were covered with a transparent film.
I was encased in a nurturing womb.
I wonder if I heard any deadly sounds?


Alice said...

Interesting thoughts. I don't long for pre tech days, I like all the things we are able to do, maybe I was "meant" to be here in this time.

oneperson said...

Don't you mean Tech (capital "T")? haha ;)

Sometimes I wish for pretech days, but I sure am thankful for all the technology we have. I do wonder if someday a solar flare or some space something will go boom and then our satellites will go dark. I wonder how many satellites orbit the earth? (Googling now....incoming...)

"...There are approximately 3,000 satellites operating in Earth orbit, according to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), out of roughly 8,000 man-made objects in total. In its entire history, the SSN has tracked more than 24,500 space objects orbiting Earth. The majority of these have fallen into unstable orbits and incinerated during reentry. The SSN also keeps track which piece of space junk belongs to which country...."
