July 4, 2011

Little Fish Choices

Note: The following is more from my personal journal and/or other writings as I moved through the inner turmoil after the Knapp trauma which happened the end of July/beginning of August, 2010. The sharings are simply my thoughts at the time processing through events that took place with my ex-therapist, John M. Knapp, LMSW. To access an ongoing index, click here and scroll down to the section entitled June 26, 2011.

Little Fish Choices
April 3, 2011

James asked me last night if I thought I was doing the right thing by speaking up. He called it "persecuting Knapp."

Am I persecuting John Knapp? I don't want to persecute anyone.

I remind myself that Knapp is a licensed therapist. I remind myself how generous I have been to not publicly reveal certain incidents. I remind myself that I could have filed a lawsuit. I remind myself that it is o.k. to speak up. I remind myself that if Knapp does receive disciplinary action, it isn't my fault.

I doubt my words have much impact anyway. But they do have impact for me. At least I feel I have done what I can to expose what I know.

But it doesn't feel good.

It hurts. It just plain hurts.

I can hear Knapp brushing me off saying something like, "She's a little fish and 'it' will blow over." I can also hear him saying, "Why is she doing this to me? I did nothing to deserve this!" Both thoughts cause my body to tense.

Like I told Dr. McColloch back in August, "I don't like myself if I do speak up and I don't like myself if I don't speak up. I just have to decide which one I can live with more peacefully."

I guess I made my choice.


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